Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Brookhaven Double

Time: 30:03
Distance: 4 miles

Gus and I went on a run after work from the store. I planned on doing my standard 4 mile loop that runs down Rock Creek and into Bob Stoop neighborhood. Unfortunately, someone decided it was time to activate the gates which kept me from entering along Rock Creek. I ran down to 48th and took a right in order to see whether the other entrance had been closed up. It had. But, someone had removed part of the metal fence that runs around the development which allowed me easy access to the neighborhood. I was already out 18 minutes and it was time to head back so I ventured over to the first gate but was unable to open it from the inside without the pedestrian code. I tried all sorts of creative combos 1111, 1111#, 1234 to no avail. I ended up having to climb over the fence instead. I was pleased at how my legs felt. My hip was much less stiff, but I could tell I was a bit sluggish.

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