Friday, November 6, 2009

McAlpine Threshold

Time: 61:33
Distance: 10.01 miles

W/u: 14:51 for 1.95 miles
W/o: 31:39 for 6.04 miles
C/d: 15:02 for 2.02 miles

Sean, Tanya and I met up at Queens to drive out to McAlpine for a workout. Tanya was running a 6-mile predator run while Sean and I were going to run a 6-mile threshold run. The difference is that Tanya's splits would decrease as the run goes on while Sean and my splits would stay relatively the same.

We warmed up and stretched a bit from the Old Bell parking lot. Sean wanted to run three miles out and three back for the course. It was his workout so I was just tagging along with pace, route and distance. He was hoping to run between 5:10 and 5:20 pace controlled.

Our splits were:
5:11, 5:10, 5:18, 5:20, 5:16, 5:14

I felt very relaxed running the opening two miles. The turn-around mile was okay but I could tell that I was starting to feel the pace. I never went to the well but definitely had thoughts of stopping at five today. Leaving the Footlocker course quickly gets you to the 1.75 marker and soon you're at 1.50. I started playing games with myself in order to reach 1.00 and every quarter mile split after that. The workout today was based on effort so I guess we achieved our goals, definitely nothing to write home about.

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