Sunday, April 10, 2011

McAlpine Buddies

Time: 88:44
Distance: ~12 miles

I returned back to Charlotte just in time to partake in the final moments of the Inside-Out Sports customer appreciation day. Those moments turned into minutes and hours which soon turned into flip cup and keg stands. It was a great time as we all worked hard to kick the Old Mecklenburg Brewery keg. I would post pictures but some others are trying to get into med school, another is a lawyer, and one coaches for a local high school. That's as specific as I'll get. Needless to say it was a great time and made for a slow start to the morning.

I was a little late arriving to Old Bell but I wasn't feeling too bad when I met up with a group of Megan Hovis, Caitlin, John Compton, Jay, Alex and Will around the 400 meter mark. We ran up into the trails near Boyce and did some loops out by the Footlocker course. I started feeling decent about 40 minutes into the run and was able complete a fairly solid end to the weekend.

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