Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Comeback Continues

6/2/11 - Ran about 10 minutes after giving a skin care clinic to a training group outside of Baltimore. Charm City Run is hosting the women's training groups for the Baltimore Women's Classic which is in a couple of week. I enlightened everyone to how great BodyGlide is and gave everyone a sample version of the product take home.

6/3/11 - No run. Gotta be smart.

6/4/11 - Drove from DC to CLT visiting Pacers - Logan Circle, Pacers - Arlington, Casual Adventure, Footsteps of Reston, Potomac - Reston, Wilkin's Shoe Center, Runners' Retreat, Mountain Trails and Runner's Corner. I didn't think I'd be able to watch any of the Pre Classic, but I timed my trip perfectly and got to see the Bowerman Mile during my last visit of the day. As a side note, I made it from Harrisonburg to Charlotte without stopping. Not a record but five straight hours in the car riding solo is rough without any stops.

6/5/11 - Sunday long run? No! I ran 3 miles along the creek path and then did some strength exercises. During the return trip some cyclist said I was looking good, but I told him that I felt terrible. At least I was looking fit. I even water jogged in the pool for 10-15 minutes before I realized how awful water running is.

6/6/11 - I ran 5 miles on my route through Freedom Park. It was nice and slow, nothing impressive. I continued with my strengthening exercises. In the evening I went to Dr. Greenapple's office and he fixed me up real nice.

6/7/11 - Before leaving for the airport I did drills and 3 hill strides in the condo complex. It was good to do something before jumping on the plane to Chicago for the GORE RUNNING WEAR Handover Meeting. I didn't have any pain while running or doing the drills, but I still do feel upper hamstring tightness near my adductors.

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