Thursday, May 22, 2008

Beer Mile

Time: 6:21
Distance: 1 mile
Beers: 4

The showdown between Christian (Bob the Belligerent Beer Mile Champion '06) and I ('07) was today. I haven't been running much these last few weeks but this race gave me the motivation to put in some work. Leading up to this race my training has been mainly focused on the drinking. However, on Sunday I went to the track and ran 3 x 400, 800m, 3 x 400 in 68, 68, 67, 2:28, 68, 69, 61. On Monday at Jilane and Tony's Big 12 party I decided Tecate was the beer of choice, not because it is Mexican but due to the fact I could drink one in under 12 seconds.

The race started a little late because the graduating class of '08 is terrible at golf. It took those slags over 6 hours to play a round of golf. Finally, once everyone was present and the PBRs were unloaded we got started. Christian was first off the line followed by John Haenle and myself. I slowly closed the gap over the 400m that was rumored to be run in 65 seconds. On the second beer I beat Tabib off the line and it was over from there. I planned on running 6:00 or better but my third and fourth beers were rather pathetic.

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