Monday, March 21, 2011

Back on the Horse...

...only a little lame.

I'm only a little lame because my neck is totally eff'd. On Saturday night I thought it would be a good idea to attempt a backflip in a moon bounce/bounce house. Give me a trampoline and I'll do backflips all day long. I developed my skills as a youngster in the backyards of California. But, I don't have much bounce house experience. In fact, I have none. I got nervous that I was going to hit the roof and come crashing down on my head. Instead, I shorted the jump and came crashing down on my head. It was not one of my finer moments and I'm glad to still be walking.

So this puts me with a 99% healed achilles and a terribly sore neck. I ran 3 miles with Meagan on Monday night along the creek before going to Dr. Greenapple's. I did a little rehab on the lower limb before Dr. G. worked on my neck muscles. It feels like I need to put my head in a vice and dangle from the ceiling in order to allow my spine to relax. Dr. G. definitely loosened me up before leaving his offices and I'll get acupuncture on the achilles later in the week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when you landed on your head, my main thought was "OUCH!" but you seemed to rebound pretty quick so i thought all was well. reading this, and remembering what it looked like when you landed, is making my neck hurt...