Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Tempo Run

Time: 94:28
Distance: 15-16 miles

Got out the door around 9:45 on a chilly morning to do an 8 mile tempo. Tom stated he wanted me running hard and in control. Our goal is to remained focused on the strength aspect of my running up until the race on Thanksgiving. Warmed up to the corner of Pickard and Lindsey in 21:17. Did my tempo run on this loop. Ran the loop twice.

Target: 8 mile tempo. First 4 miles in 21:30, next 4 miles in 20:30. Run same loop twice. Jog to track run 4 x 200m pick ups.
Workout: 4 miles in 21:33, 4 miles in 20:40 for 42:13.91 total.

1st lap splits of: 5:30.04 (mile #1), 9:29.23 (1-2.75 miles), 5:15.13 (2.75-3.75 miles), 1:18.76 = 21:33.16 at 4 miles
2nd lap splits of: 5:07.38 (mile #5), 9:14.76 (5-6.75 miles), 5:05.56 (6.75-7.75 miles), 1:13.05 = 20:40.75 for 42:13.91 total for 8 miles.
Jogged to track in 9:57.
200 splits: (58.13), 32.30, (60.76), 33.18, (59.94), 30.99, (60.75), 30.24 = 6:06.29 mile.
Jogged home in 14:04.

Not too sure what to think of this workout. It was solid but not perfect. I relaxed too much from 5-6.75 miles. That section was more in the open than the rest of the workout. Running along Chautauqua was fine in terms of traffic but the wind slowed things. Regardless, I got a good effort in and finished up with some decent pickups on the track.

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