Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Meagan's Pickard St. Miles

Time: 61:19
Distance: 8.90 miles

W/u: 17:36 for 2.22 miles
W/o: 4 x mile (Pickard St.)
C/d: 12:43 for 1.68 miles

6:10 (2:03), 6:14 (2:04), 6:13 (1:59), 6:10

Meagan and I met up with Kristi along Jenkins this morning for a light workout. She planned on doing something like 4 or 5 by mile running up and down on Pickard St. I decided join the party and be the pacemaker (not the kind you put in the heart). Since I really just need to catch up on some posting I'll refer to Meagan's blog about this workout as I'm still running relatively easy to let the body recover from the half-marathon.

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