Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Turning 25

Time: 57:45
Distance: 7.81 miles
Pace: 7:23

After an early morning flight from Cincinnati to DFW I found out I didn't have to go in to work. Since Meagan and I were in the DFW area I suggested we go and visit some of her friends. First stop was Cindy's house where we got to see 9 day old Eloise Grace and hear about a 28 hour labor. We also got to run from the house around the River Crest Country Club and surrounding 'hoods. When we came to Hidden Hill some hill sprints were in order. I did 4 x 10 sec. all out which means you go about 40 meters if the hill is the right grade. The goal is to get some power back into the legs.

It was great that we got to shower at the Craine's newly remodeled modern house. I agreed with Meagan in that it should be featured in a magazine. The shower was good but the leftover Rocco's pizza was great. Shortly after finishing up lunch we headed over to Mr. David Cabe's compound to hang out with Quest (little dog). We had some good chats about Cross Fit before hitting the road north.

There was a short stop in Ardmore, OK for dinner at InterUrban (decent and cheap). Aja showed up after her massage to say hi while we were eating. Always good to see her.

Turned 25 today on the Inaugural National Running Day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy (belated) birthday!