Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Extreme Measures

Time: none
Distance: none
Gym: yes

This morning a customer came into the store who is a D.O. (doctor of osteopathic medicine) and I told him about my achilles troubles. You gotta keep reading because Dr. Kim Floyd isn't a quack and I trust his advice on medical issues. Anyway, he offered that if I was serious about running the marathon, no guarantees about being able to finish, that I could come by his office and he'd take a look at the leg so that he could write a prescription for steroids. Know don't start calling me A-fraud (Tarpy and Owen), he offered one for methylprednisolone which is similar to anti-biotics in the sense that you take a decreasing dosage from days 1-6. At about noon I walked over to his office and was handed a slip a few minutes later for the juice. After a quick walk over to CVS I had a small package of pills in my palm and was ready to start hitting homeruns.

The doc told me that the inflammation on the lateral side was probably due to a slight tear in the achilles and that taking the 'roids would drastically decrease the pain and inflammation. He said the drugs would allow me to run, but warned that I still might not be able to finish the race. He was confident that I wouldn't rupture the achilles tendon in the process of racing but he couldn't say what the level of pain would be post-race. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet, but I have the drugs and I will probably start the prescribed amount on Weds. morning.

After getting home from work I walked up to Downtown Fitness and joined a gym. It fits with my recent lifestyle because it's pretty crappy. I sleep on the floor, bums live in my hallway, my oven doesn't seem to heat food (it just distributes natural gas) and now I belong to a busted gym. I don't really have a routine yet, but I'm hoping to do a bit of cardio in the morning and focus more on lifting in the evening.


Tarpy said...

good luck with the extreme measures. have you tried herbal patches?

Anonymous said...

Will you have roid-rage? I hear they also dry out your skin.