Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Land of Nomar

Time: 28:07
Distance: ~4 miles

I ran a few miles this morning from Craigga's house in Warwick, RI. I couldn't find the Garmin because I left it at Graddy's pad meaning that staying over at the Fountain's is going to save me no time in getting to the airport. The legs felt good this morning and I'm glad to know that Craig's dog, Clyde, will still hump your leg. Clyde hasn't matured in the 4 years since I've seen him, I guess old dogs don't lose their old tricks... or something like that.

1 comment:

Kevin Balance said...

Congrats on making the Japan team. As a native New Englander please don't refer to our land as the land of Nomar. He's a LaLa land boy for sure. Again, congrats on making the Ivy team.