Monday, July 12, 2010

Recovery Run with Queens, WF & SUNY Oswego

Time: 65:10
Distance: 9.01 miles
Pace: 7:14

Meagan and I drove over to Caitlin and John's (fastest roommates in Charlotte) for a run from 7th St. Mr. Holder who was fresh off his trip to New York joined us as well. It was a good crew of has been collegiate athlete's still living in the glory days of road racing. We didn't have a particular route selected and just roamed around the Elizabeth area for a few miles. Eventually we made our way to Dilworth, but couldn't run along the creek path due to the massive rain storm this afternoon. Massive rain storms mean a ridiculous amount of humidity, but at this point we should be used to it.

John and Meagan turned back around 2.5 miles because they are sissies and can't handle a day above 15 miles. Jay, Caitlin and I decided to venture on through Freedom Park before finishing up with a few miles near the starting point. The conversation was great this afternoon, but you'll have to ask Jay about his run in with the bare runner.

This was a good last run with Caitlin, Meagan and Jay before heading to Cali. I hope John gets suckered into working out with me in the morning and taking me to the airport afterward.

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