Friday, August 5, 2011

Double in Uptown

Time: 34:26
Distance: 7.19k
Pace: 4:47

Earlier today I had treatment from Dr. Evan Kahn of Greenapple Sports and Wellness. I've been needing and meaning to get in there to have someone look at my peroneal tendon. It has been giving a little discomfort on runs the past few days during toe off and especially running uphill. It was just my luck when an hour before I was planned to visit Dr. Kahn that a huge storm rolled through Charlotte and knocked the power out of my house and their office. This meant I wouldn't have access to all of their fun treatment toys like the laser. This is very much a first world problem when the power goes out and I don't get my tendons lasered. Oh well.

I did work from Caitlin's house for part of the day and we ended up heading out for a run with Aaron. It was good catching up with everyone and getting to run around Uptown. The creeks had flooded and Frazier Park was unrecognizable.

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