Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Early Start

Time: 74:23
Distance: 15.85k
Pace: 4:41

I woke up wicked early this morning in order to see Meagan off to the Speed Loop where she was meeting Caitlin and some others. From the outset of the run I watched Meagan struggle to keep a fluid stride. Her shin has been bugging her some and I could tell it was worse than she had described it. I kept hearing her scrape her right foot every 20 seconds which is not normal. We got to the Speed Loop and I was just jogging around watching some of the workout when I could see Meagan falling off the back on the second workout. Not good.

She called it a day and we jogged back through Freedom Park to the Booty Loop to get in some additional distance. It was not a good way to start the day at the Kinley/Nedlo household especially since it required a 5:30 am departure from the house.

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