Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Cutting Shapes by the Light of Stars

Time: ~75 minutes
Distance: 10.62 miles

W/u: 22:03 for 3.00 miles
W/o: 12 x 400m in 62-64 with 1 min rest
Barefoot C/d: 14:01 for 1.62 miles
C/d II: 23:18 for 3.03 miles

I'm lucky to have even gotten this workout in so I'm not going to complain. My plan was to take the bus to Main St. and walk over to the Norman High track arriving around 7:45 to start my warm up. Well, that went out the window when the bus didn't show. I decided to stash my gear behind a dumpster and have Scotty pick it up before meeting me at the track around 9:15. He was working at the liquor store until 9:00 and was wanting to put in a few miles. Problem solved.

My warm up started from the car wash with my spikes in hand. I ran to the Norman High track which was almost exactly 3 miles. By this point it was almost 8:15 pm and the sun was on it's way down. I didn't have much of a chance to stride out or stretch because I just wanted to get started with the workout before it was completely black.

Once the spikes were laced I jogged into the first interval and felt amazing. Having the spikes on felt great. I was light, powerful, fluid and the interval felt effortless. I knew that this was going to be an awesome workout, but then I saw the split... 71.point. WTF?! No wonder it felt so easy. After a minute rest I started the second interval which felt like I was sprinting. See the shapes below...

Splits: 71.16 (60), 64.56 (60), 64.15 (60), 66.08 (60), 65.32 (61), 65.90 (60), 66.67 (61), 66.56 (61), 67.86 (61), 64.53 (61), 68.70 (63), 64.86 for 24:26 total and 66.36 average

I'm not thrilled with this effort but considering that I ran 6 miles this morning, worked all day, it was hot/humid and at night, I will take it. The legs never felt great turning it over, but I was able to recover quickly. A few weeks ago I cut shapes in the morning, but I was wearing flats and did 20 of them.

Scotty showed up a little after 9:30 which had me a bit worried but we were able to throw another 3 miles on to the day.

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