Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Camden Crooks

Time: 27:23
Distance: 4.14 miles
Pace: 6:36

This evening I put in a double run from Inside-Out Sports. I spend a lot of time over there just hanging out especially when Melissa, Bob, Tyler, Denise or James is working. I wanted to jog some easy miles into Dilworth and run a few loops of Latta. The pace was a touch quicker than necessary. I was wearing my racing flats which contributed to the quick pace. I also just felt good as the temperature was cooler as it threatened to rain. I heard a few cracks of thunder/lightning off in the distance. Both times running along Camden I got heckled by the crooks sitting outside of BlackSheep.

After the run I went over to Tyler's pad for a few pints. It was good to catch up with him and see Dave who spent the summer in Indiana. Tyler's new roommate Jay Holder showed up an hour later and we had a bona fide sausagefest. I said bona fide, not boner fide.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

sausage fest. too bad all of you have girlfriends because otherwise i would have said you should have invited the single ladies