Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Evening Run in Two Parts

Time: 35:02
Distance: 4.49 miles

First Part: 23:29 for 3.01 miles
Second Park: 11:33 for 1.48 miles

Meagan and I showed up at Caitlin's door for my second run. However, there would only be cat and tv watching for Meagan this evening. We need that foot to feel better before running doubles after hill workouts. I, on the other hand, was putting in some miles with Red and Jay. We ran through Elizabeth before stopping at "Nothing But Noodles Field" in Independence Park. I stopped the watch and reset it because I thought we were going to do drills. Only Jay pranced around the park as Caitlin and I ran loops like the middle school team that was out there.

After the run we enjoyed an impromptu dinner back at Caitlin's while John cooked a roast. Who cooks a roast on a Tuesday night at 8:00 pm? Johnny C does.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

he loves his roast.