Thursday, August 26, 2010

New Track at Myers Park High School

Time: 66:09
Distance: 9.53 miles

W/u: 31:26 for 4.49 miles
W/o: 6 x 200m in 33 w/ 200m jog
C/d: 25:45 for 3.54 miles

I met up with Nick Frank for an extended warm up to the AG track. I had some 200 meter strides in preparation for the 5k this weekend. The point was to run fast and relaxed, opening the stride to a comfortable level. However, when we got to the track all the middle schoolers were just exiting class for their lunch break. For whatever reason these kids took their lunch on the track and not at tables or under the shade of trees. It didn't look possible to get the workout in on this facility so we had to go elsewhere.

Fortunately, on the way to the AG we ran by Fort Knox' track also known as the Myers Park HS dumpuvatrack. There were a couple of coaches or maintenance men painting yard lines on the football field. I was shocked to see that the track had recently been resurfaced. It's not longer a standard red/maroon like most tracks. Instead it's not a really soft, cheap black track that will probably fall apart in 3 years. It will be a good training track, but not very fast for racing. I asked a coach if I could spend about 10 minutes on the track testing out the new surface. He was actually pretty cool with me being there and didn't mind at all.

(51.80) 32.07, (58.73) 32.22, (57.43) 32.67,
(60.38) 32.37, (59.80) 32.67, (57.81) 30.59 for 8:58.53 total and 1.5 miles (6 full laps)

Nick ran the first two intervals with me before having to peace out. I finished up the last four feeling relaxed but not fantastic. I was pretty locked in at 32 seconds, it just didn't feel really smooth.

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