Monday, September 20, 2010

Coffee, Kim, Ro, Meagan and the Blvd.

Time: 49:42
Distance: 6.87 miles
Pace: 7:14

It was a relaxing morning here in Providence that had us over at Seven Stars Bakery to meet up with Ro McGettigan. I had a large cup of coffee as did Meagan while Kim destroyed a loaf of bread and a muffin. I guess that's what running a half marathon in 68 minutes will do to you. After spending time at the bakery chatting we headed over to Ro's house and suited up to run. The four of us hit up the Blackstone Boulevard for about 15 minutes and then dropped Meagan off at the house. Her form didn't look to screwy which was a good sign for her foot.

Flattering photo of Kim at the Seven Stars Bakery.

Even more flattering photo of me getting a nice caffeine buzz.

The rest of the run was calm as I don't think Kim or I felt particularly good from the prior day of racing. Ro is just coming back from injury and taking it nice and easy too. I can't tell you how many times or how many miles I've run along the Blvd. but essentially the Brown team runs on it 4 or 5 days a week at some point during the run. It was nice seeing that it hasn't changed since 5 years ago.

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