Tuesday, July 14, 2009

OKC Shotgun

Time: 52:46
Distance: 7.19 miles
Pace: 7:20

I was up early this morning to meet up with the newly married couple of Cat and Stu. Meagan and I left the apartment early so we could fit in a run before the OKC Marathon sponsor luncheon. The run with the other winner of the marathon was great as she got to show us her training ground. I was supposed to run a workout this morning but that will be happening tomorrow. Check out the map of the run because it looks similar to a shotgun.

Meagan, Me, Rocky, Cat & Stu

The rest of the morning can be read about in Meagan's recap. The marathon luncheon was a good time as I finally got to meet the race directors. The other part of the afternoon involved some speeches/joke telling. I think my speech went well enough to get a few laughs and possibly an invitation to toe the line next year.

Telling some jokes.

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