Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Coldest Run Ever?

Time: 68:55
Distance: 16.90 km
Pace: 4:05/km

I've had my fair share of cold runs this winter and braved quite a few while in college at Brown. There were even days back when this blog started in Oklahoma when the temps reached below freezing and the wind whipped across the plains. However, I can't ever remember starting a run when the thermometer read 6. Now I know there are much colder places in the US and on the planet than 6 degrees and understand runners head out the door when it's below zero, but until today I had never had actually had the pleasure.

I left Salem this morning early so that I could arrive in Albany for a footwear showing around 9:30 AM. I had hoped to run with the footwear buyer, but he wasn't running until later in the afternoon. I then ventured on through Utica and arrived in Syracuse to meet with the local store. I had about 90 minutes before a planned staff run that almost didn't happen due to the snow and cold weather. I opted to lace up my shoes and head out for about an hour before the staff run and just see if I could boost the weekly total.

From the store, I headed off in the direction of the Erie Canal Trail hoping the snow was packed down enough to run along. It wasn't. I slipped and fought my way through 100 meters of the surface only to pop back out on the road. I then found the remainder of my run on neighborhood streets and side roads of East Syracuse. Fortunately, there wasn't much traffic and the wind was remarkably calm. I ended up feeling surprisingly good on most of the run despite forming a sweet ice beard.
I ended back at the store with a full 16 km on the legs and was ready to chat with staff and run again.

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