Thursday, May 6, 2010

Should Have Run Earlier

Time: 32:55
Distance: 4.54 miles
Pace: 7:15

I'm not sure what happened this morning, but I didn't get started on time. I didn't stay out that late with Cinco de Mayo celebration because all the gueros at Cantina 1511 decided to leave exceptionally early. I think the party shut down around 10:30 pm which just isn't that crazy of a night. All the young professionals in attendance must have had to work in the morning because they wrapped things up way before necessary.

A few phone calls held me up in the morning, including one from Meagan at Run For Your Life where a police officer was requesting CarbBOOM! He and I had been exchanging emails about where to purchase the gels and I told him that I would give him a box while some orders shipped. He and a few of his buddies were riding from Charlotte to Washington DC to raise money for some organization. I delivered the goods and was almost able to run. First I reorganized the sock display at RFYL, picked up the bib numbers for the Let Me Run guys and then laced up my shoes.

I ran for just over 30 minutes at an easy pace around Dilworth. Nothing too exciting happened on the run, but it was hot. I stayed somewhat cool under the trees' shade. My loop brought me through Freedom Park and back to the store around 4.5 miles. Good run, time to get ready to race tomorrow night.

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