Monday, January 26, 2009

Bum in the Hallway

Time: 20:08
Distance: ~3 miles

This morning I got up and smelled a funk in my apartment. It was a body odor funk, but it was unfamiliar and certainly wasn't mine. It was the smell you would get if you mixed cigarettes, stale coffee, moldy crackers and a spritz of urine. Not good. Anyway, I went about my business of getting my running costume on for a short jog to test out the leg. When I opened the door to my apartment I spotted the root of the smell. There was a bum sleeping in the hallway! He was sprawled out on the carpet about 10 feet from my door atop the stairwell. There were cigarettes at the bottom of the stairs at the street level entrance. I can picture Mr. Bum stumbling up the stairs with a handful of half-smoked cigarette butts, the ones that you see bums picking up off the sidewalk, and smoking them one by one getting his nicotine fix. He would then flick them down to the stairwell entrance below before passing out.

How every good night should end...

The run was decent. The achilles felt good the first 5 minutes, a little tight until 15 minutes and then really good again from 15-20 minutes. I would describe the pain as X^2. I'm hoping that if you graphed X^2 it would be a parabola, but my math is really fuzzy since the last time I took algebra/geometry/subtraction was in high school. I probably won't run tonight because we are getting this nasty ice storm and everybody knows that running on ice/snow is the worst idea for someone with achilles problems.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Are you safe there where you are? Do you have a bed yet? Be patient with me, Hijo; it's a Mom thing.

Letting go again.