Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Morning Romp Through Norman

Time: 75:54
Distance: 11.57
Pace: 6:34
Splits: 7:33, 7:09, 6:51, 6:42, 6:41, 6:22, 6:19, 6:16, 6:13, 6:16, 6:07, 3:25 (for .57 miles or 6:02 pace)

I woke up a little earlier this morning so that I would have a little bit of time to mill around the new apartment and wake the body up. I was thinking about running a bit more up-tempo today and perhaps throw in some surges on the road. When I got out the door the body was feeling good but I didn't feel like turning the legs over so I scrapped the fast idea and enjoyed the windless morning. The legs felt good and the breathing was very much relaxed. I spent a portion of the run chatting with Meagan and during the other I listened to some tunes. I need to get some new music, but there isn't anything out right now that catches my attention.

The run took me up on a loop around North Base and then I messed around in the neighborhoods near campus. The good news is that campus is quiet right now which makes it really easy to cross some of the busier streets during the morning hours. It'll be a bit of an adjustment in a few weeks when stopping at red lights becomes customary. Speaking of OU students, I think the track and field team opens their season this weekend in Arkansas. I wonder what kind of shape Rob Sorrell, Jacob Boone and Kevin Schwab are in?

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