Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Racing to 9

Time: 59:52
Distance: 9.01 miles
Pace: 6:39
Splits: 7:34, 7:09, 6:52, 6:49, 6:47, 6:24, 6:19, 6:03, 5:53
Map & Data

This morning's run featured familiar streets and sites. I toured North Base, ran out Robinson, hooked a left at Westwood GC, ran through the neighborhoods and down Hwy Symmes. When I left I had 10 miles in the back of my head but when I was actually out there 10 miles seemed long. I changed it to 60 minutes or 9 miles, whichever came first. At about 7 miles I started a little race against the clock which is why the final 2-3 miles were a bit quicker. My right hamstring continues to be a bit tight but I've been paying more attention to it the last 48 hours than I have in the past 6 weeks. I think the niggle isn't anything to be concerned with, but I'll keep a close eye on it nonetheless.

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